In the following I will introduce the contingency theory, Guring`s Model of Public Relations and apply these information to public relations of Mercedes Benz Germany.
The contingency theory, a continuum should be the aim of public relations. The continuum comprised no strictly symmetric or asymmetric communication but like a balance between them (Cancel, Mitrook, & Cameron, 1999). According Guring`s Models of Public Relations (1984) there are 4 different ways of how public relations can work. The first way is called press agentry/publicity; people who use this way act as how one would public relations suppose to act. This is a one-way communication where they may use lies to make other people act. The second way is public information, this also implies a one-way relation but without lying but with a really positive propaganda without the possibility to get or accept feedback. The two-way asymmetrical way is the third one. The ones who are communicating with each other having a mutual relationship, they can give feedback to each other but the other part does not have these equal rights. That is why it is a asymmetrical relationship. The last one is a two-way symmetrical communication. This is how public relations should be; all parties are equal and have the same input and benefit.
According to Gruning these 4 models can be used simultaneously.
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In the following I will analyze the public relations communication of Mercedes- Benz Germany and describe what I would change in their communication. Mercedes- Benz is a German auto brand which is one of the most popular ones. I investigated the facebook site of Mercedes Benz Germany: . This site looks not very special, it has a general information page, a special Mercedes-Benz page, Videos, Photos and a contact site of Mercedes Benz traders in Germany. I would describe the communication of the facebook site of Mercedes Benz Germany as fitting best in the public information model. The only information which you get about Mercedes Benz is that they are “successful”, they belong together with Mercedes Benz, Maybach, smart and Fuso and that they have 1.500 service points in Germany. Directly on the information page you can read that Mercedes Benz will delete all posts which are discriminatory or offensive. This gives a very positive picture of Mercedes Benz. But when you continue to read you can read that they will also delete all posts which are not in either German or English, I think this is kind of discrimination. This seems like they expect people with another language to write discriminatory or offensive posts. Further they write that they will delete all posts which link to other auto brands. This is a very one-way communication. When you want to post something on the site you are only allowed to write positive feedback and cannot post anything about another company. This communication does not fit in the contingency theory, because I cannot see any sign of a two-way communication (Cancel, Mitrook, & Cameron, 1999).
There are several things which I would change in public relations of Mercedes Benz. First of all I would not write what is not allowed to post at the first site which you can see when you enter their site. Maybe it is important to write down that they will delete offensive posts, but you get a negative picture of someone when the first thing which you read is about what you are not allowed to do. Further I read on their official website: that they for example support the AIDS gala, why are they not posting this in facebook? Further there are a lot of festivals or sports which they finance, I think this is good advertisement and such events should be announced on their official fan page in facebook. I said that this communication fits best in the public information model, I really mean that is only “fits best”, I think this does not describe it well, because they don’t spread a lot of positive information about their company, maybe it would be interesting how many employers they have (this should be a huge number) .
In sum I think the developer of this facebook site didn’t put much effort in this and that their public relations fit best in the public information model but they miss much more positive information about themselves.
Cancel, A. E., Mitrook, M. A., & Cameron, G. T. (1999). Testing the Contingency Theory of Accommodation in Public Relations. Public Relations Review , S. 171-197.
Lecture: "Excellence Theory and its critics" by Päivi Tirkkonen, 27.09.2011
Lecture: "Excellence Theory and its critics" by Päivi Tirkkonen, 27.09.2011
You really managed to summarize the contingency theory and the 4 PR models of Guring! It is a very clear overview!
AntwortenLöschenAs you mention in your analysis: "They write that they will delete all posts which link to other auto brands. This is a very one-way communication. When you want to post something on the site you are only allowed to write positive feedback and cannot post anything about another company. This communication does not fit in the contingency theory, because I cannot see any sign of a two-way communication." I agree with you. It is a very limited way to "communicate", when your costumers aren't even allowed to say what they really think about their brand. I think they should be open-minded about other brands as well.