Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2011

Social Capital

Luoma-aho state that people have fewer interpersonal relationships than ever before. Putnam describe this with the example of people starting “bowling alone”, this is how his article is named (Putnam). According to him we start bowling alone because of new technologies (Internet etc.) and because a lot more people living alone, than before (Luoma-aho). Putnam invented a theorie about social capital, according to him features of social organization, such as trust, norms and networks can improve the efficiency of society by facilitating coordinated actions (Luoma-aho). The aim of social capital is the connection among people to establish bound of trust, understanding and building community (Luoma-aho). Social capital can be divided in two different areas; bridging social capital which is the relationship of an organization towards its external publics and bounding social capital which refers to the internal relationships (Luoma-aho). The main purpose of Putnams theory is the “importance of civic engagement and social ties for the welfare of individuals and societies” in the civic community (Luoma-aho). Civic community is build up of civic engagement, political equality, solidarity, trust, tolerance and strong associational life. 

The Model of capital creation influenced by aspects of Putnam`s theorizing shows that organizations with reciprocal, trusting stakeholder networks have high amounts of social capital (Luoma-aho). One of the important things in Putnam`s theory about social capital is that he made a link between institutional performance and the character of civic life. According to Luoma-aho it is the main aim of public relations to create and maintain organizational social capital, that is why the new definition of public relations should be:” the creation and maintenance of organizational social capital” (Luoma-aho).

I think that social capital can be important, because this can strengthen openess, trust and connections, which are important for getting investors and customers. But this is only what CAN happen, I think social capital does not indeed strengthen trust.  In my opinion social capital is not necessary, it is a nice addition to the work of organizations. I think the model of creating social capital is not right, because there is no good reason why trust results in high social capital. Further this model is circlic this means that also high social capital can lead again to a bad reputation when the experience of working together is bad. For me this shows that social capital is not always a good thing and this is not that important.
In conclusion, social capital can help the organization but it is not necessary, because there is always a possibility to have an organization which has not that much social capital but is still successful. It is not that important to even redefine public relations. It is much more important to keep on thinking how to get a two-way symmetrical relationship.

   Luoma-aho, V. Bowling Together- Applying Putnam`s Theories of Community and Social Capital to Public Relations. In On Putnam (S. 231-251).
   Putnam, R. D. Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social.
   Lecture Päivi Tirkkonen: “Social responsibility, trust and legitimacy Putnam, Bourdieu”

4 Kommentare:

  1. I agree with you that social capital is not a necessary factor to create trust, but in my opinion it's on the other side strongly connected with it. By having this social capital a company has as well a certain power, and this power a company can use to gain more trust.

  2. I am sorry but I am going to disagree with you and support the previous comment a bit more. :)Creating trust by using your current social capital is all up to your public relations strategy and I don't see any reason not to use such a capital/resource. On the other hand, social capital is more vital for maintaining trust between parties.

  3. Hello! I read your essay with interest! Actually, I think you have a little different opinion with me. I understood social capital is “Features of social organizations which can improve the efficiency of society by facilitating coordinated actions.” So it is always helpful when the organization succeed s to build social capital because I think facilitating coordinated actions is one of the necessary factors of organizations in modern time. I want to know how you understand the meaning of social capital if possible. :)

  4. For me having social capital means that you have a lot of social connections with other people /groups who you can rely on and trust each other. I understand that this social capital is important and can be used to establish good relationships with for example customers, but I think that there are many other things for an organization which are more important. An organization does not necessariliy have to have social capital. For example Oil companies.. I would not say I trust them or that they in general have a good social capital but I buy oil because I need it for my car and I dont have another opportunity. I dont know if this example is a good one but I want to say that social capital is not as important as to make it the most important task for public relations.
